SEA TOWERS--OVER 55 CONDOMINIUM COMMUNITY (on border of Madeira Beach)

W ebsite: Sea Towers high rise buildings Sea Towers is a very large complex ...


Sea Towers high rise buildings

Sea Towers is a very large complex with 778 separate residences.  It consists primarily of nine medium and high-rise buildings (3, 5 & 10 stories) situated on the edge of Boca Ciega Bay. Although it carries a St. Petersburg postal address, Sea Towers is actually located in an unincorporated area ten miles from downtown St Pete. Sea Towers is situated just over the northeast boundary of the city of Madeira Beach.  It should be especially appealing to those who always wanted to live close to a beautiful, warm, white sandy beach. Sea Towers is within easy bicycling or even walking distance to the  Archibald Beach Park on the Gulf of Mexico in Madeira Beach.  

A half mile from Sea Towers--
Beautiful Archibald Park at Madeira Beach
One downside for many prospective residents is the general Sea Towers rule that does not permit pets.

Sea Towers also features an extraordinary number of its own recreational facilities.  The high-rise buildings provide many of the condominiums with spectacular marine views that include both the inter-coastal and the Gulf of Mexico beyond.  What some may consider a somewhat stark and urban appearance of the buildings is mitigated by the green well-kept grounds, lagoon, and beautiful waterfront setting.  It is within walking distance to a beautiful new Publix supermarket, a waterfront smokehouse restaurant and tavern, a Japanese steak house, and a Walgreen's pharmacy.  Sea Towers is also just a mile or so from many other restaurants, the post office at Madeira Beach, a large new Wal-Mart, and the large Bill Young Veteran's Administration hospital complex.

Nearby white, sandy Madeira Beach is perfect for a morning walk or run

Spectacular sunset over the Gulf at Archibald Park, Madeira Beach

The governance structure of Sea Towers actually consists of a federation encompassing eleven different buildings, each of which has its own budget and rules.  Nonetheless, all Sea Towers buildings the complex share many amenities such as swimming pools, a lagoon circled by a running trail, tennis courts, an impressive central club house that includes a performance auditorium, and even a fishing pier.  The landscaping, roads, and common areas of the complex are exceptionally well-kept.  Sea Towers affords quite a secure living environment as a gated community with a 24-hour guard service at its only entrance.  A large number of its residents are  part-time "snow birds".

One of the low rise buildings at Sea Towers without marine views

November 2016 list prices for individual units range from about $70,000 for a one bedroom without a view to $210,000 for a 2 bedroom, 2 bath partly updated unit with outstanding water views situated on the 9th floor of the Columbia Building.  Prices depend largely on size, condition, and views.  Monthly HOA fees vary depending on the specific building and size of the unit, but typically vary from $450-$550 for 2 bedroom units.  For that the residents receive professional management services that provide superb maintenance of the grounds and considerable recreational facilities as well as basic cable, and both exterior building and flood insurance.

One of several swimming pool areas at Sea Towers
High rise residential Continental House in distance nestled between lake and Boca Ciega Bay

Advantages of Sea Towers:

  • Outstanding recreational facilities
  • Proximity to beautiful beach park
  • Many units offer fabulous marine views at a modest price
  • Convenient to good, modern shopping venues
  • 24 hour manned front gate for security
  • Most units include covered parking
Potential Concerns:
  • No pets policy rules Sea Towers out for many over 55 folks.
  • Some don't like "institutional" exterior look of the high rises
  • Little access to reliable public transit--an auto is probably vital.
  • HOA fees are relatively high.  Flood insurance is necessary here and rate increases could potentially force more HOA fee hikes.

Video:  A Drive Around Sea Towers complex

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commentary condominium community LOCATION PATRIOT SQUARE Patriot Square update 11/10/19
retirestpete: SEA TOWERS--OVER 55 CONDOMINIUM COMMUNITY (on border of Madeira Beach)
SEA TOWERS--OVER 55 CONDOMINIUM COMMUNITY (on border of Madeira Beach)
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